About Us

In 1995 Arm Strong Environmental started providing recycling services in the St.Louis area. When the company originated, recyclable items were limited to newspaper and aluminum cans. "Saving the world one can at a time" was Rich Wierzba's montra. Needless to say, the restrictions placed on recycling made this a difficult venture. Pool side containers with holes just big enough for beer and soda cans were often contaminated. Two wheeled recycling containers to be filled with newspaper and office paper were often 90% air or too heavy to handle.

In 1997 cardboard, tin cans and plastics 1 and 2 were added to the list of acceptable recycled items collected in the St. Louis Region. This was the year we started valet recycling and trash at our first apartment community. They are still a customer. During this time we rented storage sheds and hand separated everything we collected. Over the years we tried every realistic, and not-realistic, approach to recycling. We found that having one or more central locations where residents deposited their recycling was not successful. Even when we monitored the central recycling locations or made it more difficult to put in trash, the containers were often contaminated and the amount of recyclables significantely deminished. Every effort with a central location failed in comparison with going door-to-door. The easier we made it for residents to recycle, the more recycling they provided.

2003 was a year of big changes. Resource Management came to town, built a Material Recovery Facility (MRF), and introduced dual stream recycling to St. Louis. This was the beginning of a new world of possibilities for recycling.

Over the years the recycling world continued to evolve and in December of 2006 single stream processing became a reality in St. Louis. We immediately told our customers to put all recyclables in a single bag. As more products were added to the recycling list, we educated our customers and recycling became both practical and ecconomical. ASE was the first to introduce single stream recycling to the multi-family market in the St. Louis region.

The convenience of single stream recycling was paramount in increasing the number of customers that we could serve. Furthermore, through years of trials, it became evident that the most reliable and efficient way to collect recyclable goods was door-to-door. The union of single-stream recycling and door-to-door "valet" collection was, and still is, the best combination possible.

Today we service properties in both Missouri and Kansas. Economic curb appeal is what it is about, but valet recycling & trash is how it works. We constantly work with and educate both the staff and the residents on the importance and proper way to recycle. We help control the cost by managing your waste system. Residents particpate because we make it easy and affordable. Your property stays cleaner. You have more quality parking spots. Your maintenance crew can do what they do best. Managers don't have the frustrating tasks of dealing with waste haulers and they can easily budget their expenses because we eliminate the drastic price increases, including fuel and/or environmental fees.


Arm Strong Environmental LLC ©2024